UPDATE: 19 JUNE 2012

The Perth Solar City free home eco-consultation program is now complete.

Over 3,500 homes have received a free home eco-consultation through the Perth Solar City program, and are saving on average almost 10% off their electricity bills.


Free home eco-consultation

  • Have you ever wondered where all the electricity you have paid for is going?
  • Or what the cheapest and easiest ways to reduce your water use are?
  • Or how your household was performing in general?

As part of the Perth Solar City program, Mojarra is providing a households with a free home eco-consultation to answer these questions, and help you save.

Over 2,300 homes within Perth have received a free home eco-consultation through the Perth Solar City program, and on average are saving almost 10% off their energy bills - just by doing things differently.

2 qualified consultants, together with your family will review your home and lifestyle, and suggest a range of ways that you can improve your energy efficiency and save money. You'll be doing the right thing by the environment too. They will also run through a Star Rating analysis, showing you exactly how your household performs compared to the Australian average.

Together you will develop a personalised action plan detailing each recommendation that you felt was suitable to your specific living situation. Each recommendation will have its indicative savings potential associated, so that you can decide which ones to tackle first.

Our eco-consultants have knowledge on all state and federal government rebates and will be able to guide you towards cost effective solutions.

The assessment will improve your understanding of:

  • solar power
  • greywater systems
  • rainwater tanks
  • insulation
  • solar hot water and more!

If you have any queries regarding this program, please call 1300 993 268.